This one was from a few years ago, but with biometrics becoming more and more prevalent I think it’s relevant today. A successful voiceprint hack was undertaken by a BBC reporter’s twin to gain access to a bank account ( in 2017.
This one worries me, which is why I was concerned to discover – and never opted into – the ATO rolling out voice authentication. It’s also why – if I do answer an unknown number – I don’t talk until the other person does. When we think of our voice being imitated, we might think of someone trying to impersonate us to a contact – but how much damage could this do to the average person. Someone might ring my Mum and pretend to be me and insult her, some hurt feelings, embarrassment and a puzzle. Not too much damage that a walk and a chat can’t repair though.
But with the rise of voice authentication, things change (just google ‘voice authentication’ to see the options: If your voice is now able to identify you, it is an asset that needs to be protected. And it’s not just voice, we could potentially have a range of biometric markers out in the world being used for authentication: voice, fingerprint, retina print, blood vessel signature, smell(?). How do we manage them, and retain control of them? How do we reset them if they are stolen?
Bypassing physical security is bad with potentially catastrophic outcomes. But when it comes to biometric security, my real concern is my biometric data being stolen, imagine your fingerprint, retina map, voiceprint, whatever, being stolen and leaked in something akin to a password leak? Passwords can be reset, my biometric data cannot. What do we do if our biometric data is stolen?
This has raised a lot of questions. I’ll keep these in mind as I progress through my degree in the hope of finding some answers.
BBC fools HSBC voice recognition security system:
ATO Voice Authentication:
Services Australia Voice Print:
Your voice says a lot about you — and AI is listening:
Stolen fingerprints:
Afgan biometric system a threat: