Data lifecycles
The data lifecycle is a useful tool to understand all of the stages data goes through. This can include: what is collected; how it is
Join me as I undertake my Masters of Cyber Security
The data lifecycle is a useful tool to understand all of the stages data goes through. This can include: what is collected; how it is
The start of a new course this week, Data Security and Privacy. I’m looking forward to this one, we learn how to actually hack into
An interesting and concerning security in the news this week. It has been alleged that Israelli Cyber Surveillance Company, NSO’s software has been used by
A data lake is a lot of data. Lots of pieces of useless information, all floating around made useful by proximity and manipulation. As security
I’ve noticed an ongoing pattern for the NSW government. They don’t appear to be able to keep data safe. It was reported on 1 September
Classified details of the UK Challenger 2 Tank were leaked on a game forum for the game War Thunder. What was Happened The AESP (Army
A pile of classified UK documents were found in a “in a soggy heap behind a bus stop in Kent” on 22 June 2021. The
According to The Age, the government is considering making company directors liable for cyber attacks. With cyber crime costing Australia around $3.5 billion a year,
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