Apple vs FBI
This was my final assessment for the cyber ethics course, it was a great topic that brought together the ethical theories with a real world
Join me as I undertake my Masters of Cyber Security
This was my final assessment for the cyber ethics course, it was a great topic that brought together the ethical theories with a real world
The various normative ethical theories (deontology, utilitarianism, agent based) provide different ways of viewing the world and could lead to justifiably opposing outcomes. Let’s look
In 2019 researchers from Security Without Borders discovered the Exodus malware had infected almost 25 apps in the Google Play Store (Franceschi-Bicchierai, 2019), further investigation
The ethical considerations of cybersecurity professionals towards the public include: individual privacy vs public security; individual security vs availability of public goods; transparency vs preserving
One of the the things that we need to consider when making ethical decisions is the impact the decision will have, not just now and
Equifax is one of the world’s largest credit reporting agencies (CRA), creating credit reports from consumer data which is sold to third parties. Being high
In looking at the ethics of a technology, we need to assess whether it is value laden or neutral. If a technology impacts on the
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